Religious education begins in early childhood, is nurtured through the growing years, and brought to maturity in an active life of discipleship.
Registration is held in late summer. PREP meets from September through May in the upper level of the Holy Family Center. Grades K-4, and combined grade 5-6 class meet from 9:45-10:45 am. Grade 3-4 (combined class); Grades 5-6 (combined class) and Grade 7-8 (Edge Middle School Ministry) meet from 6:15-7:30 pm.
Second graders celebrate Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Eight graders celebrate Confirmation.
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist | Confirmation |
In order for your child to be properly formed to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, they must attend Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) or Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. These sacraments are normally confirmed upon children in the 2nd grade. The Church puts forth the basic requirements for a child’s understanding in the Code of Canon Law. Canon 913.1 states that the child is required to have sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity and can receive the Body of the Lord with devotion. To register your child, click here | Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation. Baptism and Eucharist are the other two. In Baptism, a person becomes a Christian and receives graces and life from the Holy Spirit. In Confirmation, the baptismal vows are renewed, and the sealing of the Spirit serves as a preparation for a mature Christian life. In Eucharist, the great sign of Christian unity, the faithful are nourished and strengthened. They are transformed into a more loving and united community of believers. Through these sacramental rites the faithful are officially acknowledged as Christians. They are commissioned to carry out the mission of Christ and His Church. In the Nashville Diocese it is customary for children to be Confirmed in 8th grade. To register your child, click here |