Postulates Dinner Hosted by the Knights of Columbus (see photo album below 2024)Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon (see photo album below)
Annual Ministry Fair February 1 & 2
Life Teen Annual Fundraiser Event - Mardi Gras Trivia Night (see photo album below)
Mardi Gras Dinner & Dancing Hosted by The Knights of Columbus (see photo album below)
Lenten Parish Events (March / April)
Friday Fish Fry Hosted by The Knights of Columbus and KCLA (see photo album below)Friday Stations of the Cross following the fish fry
Parish Mission (Lent Focused)
Passion Mime Stations of the Cross
Anointing of the Sick Mass
Easter Egg Hunt Hosted by KCLA (see photo album below)
Cinco de Mayo Hosted by The Knights of Columbus
Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast Hosted by the Boy Scouts
May Crowing Hosted by Hosted by the Fil-Am Ministry & K of C (see photo album below)
Children’s May Crowing in the Prayer Garden (see photo album below)
Confirmation Dinner Hosted by the KCLA
VBS (see photo album below)
Independence Day / 4th of July Picnic Hosted by the Knights of Columbus (see photo album below)
Christmas in July hosted by KCLA
International Dinner Hosted by the Knights of Columbus (see photo album below)
Fall Festival Hosted by the Parish Council (see photo album below)
Harvest Moon Dinner Dance Hosted by the Knights of Columbus (see photo album below)
Soccer Challenge Hosted by the Knights of Columbus
KCLA Annual Membership Breakfast
Blessing of the Animals (St. Francis Feast Day)
Pumpkin Patch Hosted by the Knights of Columbus and KCLA
Car Show Hosted by the Knights of Columbus
Trunk or Treat Hosted by Life Teen & KCLA (see photo album below)Life Chain
Baby Bottle Fundraiser
Artisan Fair (see photo album below)
Annual Skating Party Hosted by Knights of Columbus
All Souls Candlelight Service
Holy Land Sales
Coat Drive Knights of Columbus & KCLA
Advent Wreath Workshop (see photo album below)
Thanksgiving Parish Dinner Hosted by The Knights of Columbus and KCLA
The Blessing of the Bambinelli (Baby Jesus) - 3rd Sunday of advent, Gaudete Sunday.Simbang Gabi Hosted by the Fil-Am Ministry (see photo album below)
Choir Christmas Concert (see photo album below)
Breakfast with Santa Hosted by KCLA (see photo album below)
Christmas Wishes Tree benefiting the Boys Club of Mt Juliet (see photo album below)
Poker Party Hosted by the Knights of Columbus
New Years Eve Celebration Hosted by The Knights of Columbus